Ah, yes. Even the New 27" iMac indicates on the Overview page 'up to x-GB' and the Tech Specs 'configurable to x-GB'. Apple doesn't clearly reveal upfront if the RAM is upgradeable.
Admittedly, in my haste for a shiny new toy - I missed that too. At Purchase, I bumped-up my RAM to the "Configurable to 16GB" max rather than the 8GB configuration offered. In retrospect, doubling the RAM I think I need seems to be a good investment - especially if I don’t upgrade my Mac every 2-3 years.
She turns 5-years old next month and has been a very, very good computer. While I'm certain it was meant as a helpful - don't do that again suggestion - I’ve never felt ‘…that purchasing a 21.5” [late 2015] iMac was generally a poor choice’, and I’m willing to wager you don’t think so either? Five years is a good run, eh? Lol. Especially for an iMac that doesn't exist. (sorry, couldn't resist adding that)
And so, to clarify: Our 21.5" (late 2015) iMac is configurable up to 16-GB At Purchase, but not user-upgradeable. It would be helpful if Apple made that distinction.