Cant update my country
I’m trying to change my region To Egypt to be able to add new credit card but it doesn’t accept it and keep returning to Kuwait. I will lose my icloud since the old credit card expired.
thanks in advance
I’m trying to change my region To Egypt to be able to add new credit card but it doesn’t accept it and keep returning to Kuwait. I will lose my icloud since the old credit card expired.
thanks in advance
see if this support article helps
see if this support article helps
Hi Chris,
the only Active subscription I have For now is the icloud.
The issue is that I change the region to Egypt and successfully then I go to the billing details; the country is correct but the the drop down menu for Governorate is for kuwait not Egypt. If i choose anything it doesn’t accept the credit card number snd says it related to different region. When I return to itunes again, I find that it’s returned to kuwait Again.
I’m attaching a screenshot of the wrong Governorate thats not in Egypt.
Cant update my country