Balanced Adjustment
Why is my Apple Pay negative-250
Why is my Apple Pay negative-250
Did you dispute the charges using the following method?
If you see a transaction you do not recognize or have an issue with a transaction open Wallet>tap on the card used>tap on the transaction (photo 1)>tap on the amount (photo 2)>look for a report an issue link. (photo 3)
photo 1 - select the transaction
photo 2 - click the amount
photo 3 - click the link
Or did you go to this link - If you see "" or an unfamiliar charge on your statement - Apple Support
or this link? - Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support
The reason I ask is that I think they are different departments.
I tried to dispute two Apple Pay transactions
that I didn’t receive product for. Apple wouldn’t do it so I did it through my bank . My bank did approve my dispute this was way in July it’s now sept and my Apple Pay negative Cmon ... really
Did you ever resolve this? same thing happen to me but lot more money. thanks
Did you recently sell something and get paid by Apple Cash? Did you return something you bought with Apple Card credit card? Did you report fraud?
Did you tap on the adjustment to see more details?
No I have not sold anything or report anything. I called Apple and they cannot find the transactions or where it’s coming from. When I tap on it, just shows transaction id #
that’s all I can see
Does your bank account have any extra in it? If Apple and Greendot are looking into it then there is nothing we can do here. I hope it gets resolved.
In the process now I contacted them and they blamed it on my bank then they said Apple Green Dot Serivce.
Balanced Adjustment