Logic Pro X Project will not open
I've had this issue occur recently on several different Logic Pro Projects. A project will be working fine for a while and then all of a sudden one day it won't open. Usually the loading bar progresses most of the way and then right before the full windows pop up Logic Pro quits immediately and without even giving the popup about the application quitting unexpectedly. I've tried opening projects with Core Audio disabled and removing some plugins and then reopening the project though that does not usually work. Have tried the usual stuff like restarting the computer and the audio interface (UAD) I am usually using some UAD plugins as well as other 3rd party plugins on these projects. I have also tried creating a new blank project and then manually reimporting all the tracks from the crashed project. One time I was able to do this with a project with about 70 tracks and it worked fine until I saved and closed it and then it would not open again after that. One time I switched the I/O process buffer size and the process buffer range and then tried reopening a project that hadn't been opening and it worked - hasn't been repeatable so far though.
Computer is Mac Pro (2019) running macOS Catalina version 10.15.6 and Logic Pro X version 10.5.1. I have also had some unresolved issues with the computer not shutting down and just staying on a black screen until it is force shut down but I have no idea if that is related.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Mac Pro