Anyway to change my current Apple ID to an iCloud email address?
In an attempt to change my Apple ID (currently a Hotmail account) to an iCloud account (idea was to centralise all my Apple stuff to an iCloud account that push those emails to my regular email.
I turned on the mail function thinking it simply created an iCloud email address for me. It does but it doesn’t make clear that the iCloud email address is now just an alias for your current Apple ID and you cannot change it to that iCloud email. (I realise it works under both addresses but I wanted it to be solely under the iCloud) so I could use the hotmail as a rescue.
Is there no way to change my ID to an iCloud email address? Because as I understand it, to make an iCloud email you create it with an Apple ID. But in doing that you tie the iCloud email to that ID so surely I wouldn’t be able to change my current ID to a new iCloud email as part of a new ID or would It?
I hope this makes sense I dizzy myself typing it out haha. Thanks in advance.