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Kenapa saya gak bisa diwnload aplikasi di appstore harus masukin billing payment terus
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
Kenapa saya gak bisa diwnload aplikasi di appstore harus masukin billing payment terus
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
See if anything here helps.
Log into your account in the App Store/iTunes and you should be able to change/verify it there. Or you can click the blue Edit payment methods in the article below. When signed in and the page loads, you will be on the credit card page. After updating that, click the Go Back button at the lower left and you will be on the address page. If you have a subscription, you need to add the new card, and then promote it to the primary payment method before you can remove the old card.
Apple ID payment information - change.
How to Fix “Verification Required” for Apps Downloads on iPhone and iPad
Hi fella145,
Thank you for using the Apple Support Communities. You've posted a question in the English Community. If you are able to repost your question in English, you may reach a larger audience and have a better chance of receiving a reply.
Gak bisa download itunes