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After Security Update 2020-005 - No RAM left ! (Mojave 10.14.6 - MacMini 3,2 GHz Intel i7 - 16Gb Ram)

On September 24th Sep, after performing the security update (2020-005), I immediately noticed ram problems. Has anyone had the same problem? By the way, when I start the computer, I still get the same message (since installing the Mojave Security Update 2020-002) that my Mac Mini 2018 was restarted because of a problem, even I shut it down normally !! I was hoping that with this security update they solved the annoying problem of this message !! Worse, another problem was added to one problem !!

Mac mini, macOS 10.14

Posted on Sep 26, 2020 1:31 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Sep 28, 2020 6:11 AM

I found the solution!

Perdonami , ma non scrivo bene in inglese e dovrai farti tradurre il mio messaggio.

Collegati a questa pagina https://apps.apple.com/it/app/macos-mojave/id1398502828?ls=1&mt=12, scarica e reinstalla Mojave.

Si installerà solo l'OS senza cancellare programmi e dati.

Alla fine rifai l'aggiornamento 2020 005 e tutto sarà a posto.

Il problema è un conflitto con gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza precedenti; installando una nuova copia di Mojave, gli aggiornamenti precedenti non sono stati fatti e funzionerà il 2020 005.

L'ho provato su tre Mac ed ha funzionato su tutti (iMac 27" late 2015, MacBook Pro 13"mid 2012, MacBook Air early 2014).

Greetings from Rome.

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Sep 28, 2020 6:11 AM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

I found the solution!

Perdonami , ma non scrivo bene in inglese e dovrai farti tradurre il mio messaggio.

Collegati a questa pagina https://apps.apple.com/it/app/macos-mojave/id1398502828?ls=1&mt=12, scarica e reinstalla Mojave.

Si installerà solo l'OS senza cancellare programmi e dati.

Alla fine rifai l'aggiornamento 2020 005 e tutto sarà a posto.

Il problema è un conflitto con gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza precedenti; installando una nuova copia di Mojave, gli aggiornamenti precedenti non sono stati fatti e funzionerà il 2020 005.

L'ho provato su tre Mac ed ha funzionato su tutti (iMac 27" late 2015, MacBook Pro 13"mid 2012, MacBook Air early 2014).

Greetings from Rome.


Sep 30, 2020 3:13 AM in response to Marcomi70


Non dovrebbe disturbare i tuoi dati e le tue app, ma è importante avere buoni backup, perché un giorno il disco rigido morirà.

Prova lo standalone in modalità provvisoria ...


Avvio sicuro, (tenendo premuto il tasto Maiusc all'avvio).


Oct 1, 2020 4:23 AM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

Sounds good.

Just an advice, you should download the Safari 13.1.2 Installer now available from Apple once again (the link didn't work anymore since Safari 14 was launched, but is now back in the meantime they release a new Safari 14 version):


I got it as fast as I could, to be sure I have it just in case this kind of problem appears once again, in such case I'll be able to re-install Safari 13.1.2 as many times as I want.

But I guess the link will not work anymore when they'll release a new Safari version, so hurry if you want it.


Sep 27, 2020 6:10 AM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

yeah!I got problem with do anything on my iMac .all ram is taken on Mojave .I can not get to system preferences even to at the iCloud.nothing works normally.Ido not like go to Catalina .I need to keep Mojave.but all is stock.can not use my computer now.i payed 1250 gb and I got rubbish now for a lot of money .I am really anger now .


Sep 27, 2020 7:27 AM in response to pierrechapuis

On my own experience with this issue since 3 days, and re-installing multiple times Mojave, I'v seen that trying to update any Security Update (from 1 to 5) causes this compressed memory issue at startup, ONLY IF I've previously installed Safari 14.0

So... in other hands I was able to re-install Mojave 10.14.6 from Recovery mode (then ignore Safari 14 update!), then installing the Security Update 4. Here everything is fine now, but I keep preventing Safari 14 AND the Security Update 5 to be updated, otherwise problems will be back again.


Sep 27, 2020 7:29 AM in response to robert_rP

Either you’re not willing to pay the software developer to upgrade your app to 64 bit, or they’re not worth the importance you give them. Either way, don’t look to Apple for a solution, the 64 bit train has long left the station...

Look instead, to replacing your software with alternates (start a different thread to explore options).


Sep 27, 2020 7:48 AM in response to hcsitas

That's off topic. The question is, how to solve the latest bull**** update made by Apple?

— The solution is clearly not "I should upgrade... "

And many people can't look for a 64 bit alternative to their apps, as sometimes they clearly don't exist (some homemade programs in Science for instance, etc.. ) Some other users are even not allowed to use alternative in some company too.

They made a mistake in their latest Security Update (and/or maybe in the latest Safari 14) for Mojave, they have to solve it.

If you buy a car having trouble 2 years after with its own electronic programs inside, you'll not replace it by a new model, you'll repair the current one I guess. The same applies here, otherwise it's planned obsolescence.


Sep 27, 2020 7:52 AM in response to robert_rP


Yes, for many users (and me) on macrumors, rolling back to 10.14.6, then applying SU 004 solved the issues. (and for Safari 14, I would suggest waiting for more infos, but that's only my opinion).

Currently I can say all is back to normal, then I can keep using my 32 bits apps as expected.


Sep 27, 2020 1:22 PM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

Immediately after installing (as soon as being promoted for the "update") Security Update 2020-005 on my 2019 iMac, the restart took an absurdly long time. Then, after the three accounts appeared, I selected my own and tried to log in. The result was a perpetual wheel of death. Wondering if I had some corruption in my own account, I did a cold shutdown, unplugged the iMac, waited twenty or so minutes, did a restart, had the same absurd boot-up time, then tried logging in on my wife's account, with the same wheel of death experience. In the meantime I am posting this on my 2013 iMac, running Sierra, and having no problems whatsoever. Software lethargy wins again.


Sep 28, 2020 11:02 AM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

Thanks! Indeed, after reinstall (on 4 Macs) of Mojave and SU 2020 004 everything works as a charm. I will wait even with the update to Safari 14.

Down is a post from Italy that You could instal SU 2020 005 after a fresh reinstal and a problem is fixed. I think that I will wait to checkout more posts about that to be sure. :)


Sep 28, 2020 2:37 PM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

I think that I have solved my basic problem, with modest ongoing loss. My SSD back-up drive was not connected when I did the "Security Update", and I went into Recovery Mode, reconnected the SSD, and did a reinstall from the back-up drive. Other than taking longer than usual, it seemed to work. I had lost my photos, but I had a flash drive that I had done a back-up of Photos maybe a month or so ago, so I did a reinstall of photos from that, giving me maybe 95% of what had been on the Photos app when this Apple s***-show ruined everything. Time will tell. I had tried for two days to do a reinstall of Mojave, but was never able to connect with the Apple server, perhaps understandably.


Sep 29, 2020 7:32 AM in response to miglia5

Ho seguito le tue istruzioni (tieni conto che io ho un Mac mini 2018) e dopo aver reinstallato Mojave mi è sembrato che tutto era tornato normale. Poi ho applicato l'aggiornamento SU 2020-005 e qui mi è sembrato che qualcosa sia cambiato. Intanto, pur non avendo installato Safari 14 me lo sono ritrovato installato e non riesco a cancellarlo. Tu come hai fatto ?

I followed your instructions (please note that I have a Mac mini 2018) and after reinstalling Mojave it seemed that everything was back to normal. Then I applied the SU 2020-005 update and here it seemed that something has changed. Meanwhile, despite not having installed Safari 14, I found it installed and I can't delete it. How did you do it?


Sep 29, 2020 10:34 AM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

Here is the link to Mr. Macintosh. Very good explained workarounds and tests.


It worked for me fine following the steps. Success!


Sep 29, 2020 1:45 PM in response to DoctorAudioLinks

I had the same issue after installing the security update on two of our computers running Mojave. I did some research online and someone discovered if they re-downloaded the Mojave install and then reinstalled Mojave the issue was fixed. I just finished working on my first computer and my memory is back and the computer is running smoothly. Safari is not the updated version but launches properly. I can’t believe how frustrating this has been for the last several days!!!


Sep 30, 2020 2:32 AM in response to miglia5

Ciao , io ho fatto l'aggiornamento ad iMac 21 late 2012 (mojave) , finito l'aggiornamento ci ha messo una vita a ricaricare tutto ed è tutto molto rallentato. Ci mette circa 20 minuti per avere la scrivania visibile ed è rallentassimo.

Secondo te se faccio la procedura che hai indicato ritorna come prima? non perdo i dati e le app?

Grazie mille !!!


After Security Update 2020-005 - No RAM left ! (Mojave 10.14.6 - MacMini 3,2 GHz Intel i7 - 16Gb Ram)

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