Hello, "Holzbock"! ( I think you native language is german, isn't it?)
Well - yes! Actually I do have exactly the same problem, too!
And I already reported the problem to the Apple support and - hopefully - they will apply a patch in the next six to seven months.
To be honest: I had to reinstall the Mac during a "nightshift" by using command + R because it's "fun and game" computer without any important files on it; I just wiped out the harddisk and startet over again. Without the so-called "security update" almost everyting worked like a charm.
Unluckily the friend of my daughter came the next day and saw the red dot upon the gear. So he wanted to do me a favour and killed the machine again by installing the 2020-05. *phew*
I'm using a Retina Mac 2017 with a 21 inch screen.
Man - it's the first apple in years that I got from my wife as a birthday gift in 2019, because she intended to buy something really reliable. First I got struck down by installing Catalina and so I decided to stay with Mojave. Today Mojave has been brought down by the Apple "security update".
I'm starting to believe that Apple deliberately sabotages all former operating systems so that the launch of Big Sur looks like the only remaining lifeblood. Or why were all "old" macOS versions banned from the App Store?
THIS was my last Apple. I already have enough trouble with Microsoft. I don't need to open up a second battlefield for myself.
I feel really sorry for my wife, she just wanted to do something good for me! There is still Linux and Chrome OS ...
I'm deeply disappointed.