Pages for Mac fails to read .docx correctly - is there a workaround?
A friend sent me a document created using a version of MS Word on Windows. It's purely textual (no graphics) and laid out in two columns. I tried to read it with the latest version of Pages (10.2) on an iMac running MacOS Catalina 10.15.6. It appeared to open and showed both columns, but in fact it only showed about 3 out of 17 pages. No obvious errors were reported.
I kind of managed to retrieve the document by reading it with an old version of Preview on an old Mac running High Sierra and saving it as a PDF which works everywhere. The current version of Preview on Catalina won't open it at all, nor will NeoOffice.
Is there a more guaranteed way of reading such documents without buying a lot more software that I don't need?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)