Missing Fonts error message? Clarendon BT
The last time i updated our keynote presentations (12 of them) was in march of 2020.
We needed to make changes and I opened one of them up to a missing fonts error message.
I guess keynote was updated with a catalina update.
I do not have missing fonts as I created them to be specifically viewed on an ipad (limited fonts on an ipad) without the presenter seeing a font missing message.
Now it says there are missing fonts and a font that is not even on my computer that was never used, obviously. It is CLARENDON BT.
Where did this come from?
I fixed the issue with someone’s suggestion of exporting it to powerpoint then opening it back up and saving as a new keynote, which removed the fonts missing message.
But, I have to redo all my paragraph style again, as they are generic, which is fine if I have no error messages.
But why did this unknown font get into a fonts missing error message?