How can I cancel the monthly charge of $3.17
Just want to cancel the monthly charge of $317
iPhone SE, iOS 13
Just want to cancel the monthly charge of $317
iPhone SE, iOS 13
To stop a subscription follow the steps in this guide:
See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
When the subscription shows Expires on [Date]
That means the subscription is canceled.
If you are still unable to cancel the subscription:
Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
Good luck!
To stop a subscription follow the steps in this guide:
See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
When the subscription shows Expires on [Date]
That means the subscription is canceled.
If you are still unable to cancel the subscription:
Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
Good luck!
Why am I being charged?3.17 a week??
Why am I being charged $3.17 a week
How can I cancel the monthly charge of $3.17