I think someone is spying my iPhone
{"share_with_app_devs":0,"app_version":"","bug_type":"145","timestamp":"2020-10-22 17:58:21.00 +0100","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.7 (17H35)","slice_uuid":"345941F8-0F3B-34BE-85C3-D84CD8F48C3F","is_first_party":1,"build_version":"","incident_id":"53DCEA88-A888-469E-815D-CE32E3437B18","app_name":"aggregated","name":"aggregated"}
Date/Time: 2020-10-22 08:38:42 +0100
End time: 2020-10-22 17:58:21 +0100
OS Version: iPhone OS 13.7 (Build 17H35)
Architecture: arm64
Report Version: 29
Incident Identifier: 53DCEA88-A888-469E-815D-CE32E3437B18
Data Source: Microstackshots
Shared Cache: 0x1704000 C07BD349-1F39-329F-8AC5-B434F827A8BE
Command: aggregated
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AggregateDictionary.framework/Support/aggregated
Version: ??? (???)
PID: 468
Event: disk writes
Action taken: none
Writes: 1073.75 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 33579 seconds (31.98 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds
Writes limit: 1073.74 MB
Limit duration: 86400s
Writes caused: 1073.75 MB
Writes duration: 33579s
Duration: 33579.13s
Duration Sampled: 33417.86s
Steps: 105 ( (10.49 MB/step))
Hardware model: iPhone9,3
Active cpus: 2