itunes changes recorded levels of wav file created in Audacity
iTunes version Audacity version 2.3.3 iMac o/s 10.9.4
The first time I listen to playback of a wav file (16, 24 or 32 bit) 44100 hertz or even export an mp3 audio file recorded in Audacity (speech with music underscore), the playback quality in iTunes is exactly the same as how it was recorded, mixed and rendered in Audacity. But the 2nd time, and every time after that, that the same wav or mp3 file is played back in iTunes, the levels are significantly boosted and the recording sounds like garbage.
My iTunes EQ is always set to "None" and the iTunes volume slider is at maximum using iMac's built in speakers.
The peak mixed recording db level according to Audacity playback meter is only at around minus 10 db.
iMac Line (2012 and Later)