cant download free trail logic pro x .. press the bottom but nothing happens ?
Cant download free trail logic pro x .. press the bottom but nothing happens ?
Cant download free trail logic pro x .. press the bottom but nothing happens ?
Can you elaborate on the problem please?
live in denmark , maby its why .. nothing happens when i press the free trail buttom...
maby there is not free trail in DK ;)
damed ... im gonna move then ;)
In fact, I cannot find the Trial link on the Apple DK Web site. Maybe just a language issue. Did you try from the US site?
no i wil try.. maby it will work THX .. jesper
I checked on different Apple sites. It seems the link is not functional worldwide. Could be an update ongoing... Wait and see.
yes thx.. maby its over with the free trail.. ( corona ) ;)
cant download free trail logic pro x .. press the bottom but nothing happens ?