Purchased songs show as "Protected"
The only work around I found for this is delete selected songs re-download them for them to appear Unprotected. Anyone else have this problem?
Windows, Windows 10
The only work around I found for this is delete selected songs re-download them for them to appear Unprotected. Anyone else have this problem?
Windows, Windows 10
Purchased tracks, assuming they were purchased since 2009, are unprotected when you buy and download them. However, it is possible that they get replaced in your library by cloud copies, for one reason or another. When that happens, the answer is to... "delete selected songs re-download them," as you have discovered.
Purchased tracks, assuming they were purchased since 2009, are unprotected when you buy and download them. However, it is possible that they get replaced in your library by cloud copies, for one reason or another. When that happens, the answer is to... "delete selected songs re-download them," as you have discovered.
I think I have found a solution. When downloading the albums, I unchecked the "simultaneous download" box on the upper right corner. So far when I download the problematic albums, no songs end up being protected. Hopefully it will work when I purchase future albums.
Purchased songs show as "Protected"