MacBook Pro network card
Does the latest MacBook Pro have a Broadcom chip like all the previous models? Just wanted to confirm, thanks.
Does the latest MacBook Pro have a Broadcom chip like all the previous models? Just wanted to confirm, thanks.
Most users are asking about CAPABILITIES (provided by Apple's unique melding of good hardware and very good software to provide FUNCTIONS, not brand-names. (e.g., does it support Wi-Fi Six, 802.11ax?)
Did you want to put a Broadcom logo on the outside of your Mac as a status symbol?
Do you have something against Broadcom, and want to avoid their chips?
What are you asking, specifically, and
EXACTLY which MacBook Pro model are you asking about? There are probably five that could be thought of as "the latest model".
I hate to break it to you, but the three newest Macs are not x86 based at all, they are ARM based. Which Wi-Fi chips they are using does not matter if you cannot run the Qubes OS software at all.
I was just interested in buying one but it would need to not have a Broadcom network chip to work with Qubes OS.
the Apple-Silicon M1 Macs appear to be running:
Apple USI 339S00758 – Wi-Fi 6/Bluetooth 5.0 module
MacBook Pro network card