Apple Pay balance not updating
Added money to my Apple Cash card from primary bank account and my balance will not update. The money has already came out of my primary account so where did it go?
iPhone XR, iOS 14
Added money to my Apple Cash card from primary bank account and my balance will not update. The money has already came out of my primary account so where did it go?
iPhone XR, iOS 14
I was having this issues as well and what worked for me was toggling Apple Cash off then on. Settings -> Wallets & Apple Pay -> Toggle off/on. Fixed!
I was having this issues as well and what worked for me was toggling Apple Cash off then on. Settings -> Wallets & Apple Pay -> Toggle off/on. Fixed!
yoooo everybody i figured it out. just go to settings snd sign out of icloud all together then sign back in. your wallet should reset and the balances should refresh. its a glitch with the new update. Apple we need yall to fix this!!
Mine is doing this as well, Have you figured out what is going on with it?
Has this been resolved ?
I have also been experiencing this issue with ios14... people send money the balance doesn’t update on some devices...
Me as well. I been adding money into my Apple Cash and my primary bank card has already cleared and lowered the balance but the Apple wallet cash balance has not changed or updated the balance. Very frightening, where is the money...
You saved my life. Signing out of iCloud and back in worked. Lame that I have to add all my credit cards again because of this bug.
yooooooo thanks soo much
Apple Pay balance not updating