Trust certificate warning pops up constantly and is very annoying. How do I stop the pop-up?
Trust certificate pop-up warning is continuous and annoying. How do I stop the pop up?
iPhone XS Max
Trust certificate pop-up warning is continuous and annoying. How do I stop the pop up?
iPhone XS Max
Done. However, issue persists.
Done. However, issue persists.
Wifi and cellular both cause it
Safari snd firefox both cause it
If you can confirm only your phone does it and other iphones in the house are ok then there must be some app or account on your phone calling for that server.
If I try that server on my Mac it says it may be crooked, keep out.
Your call, but if it was mine and I couldn’t remember installing anything new recently I would secure all my important data elsewhere, backup just in case , wipe the phone and start again without a restore from backup.
PS it still stinks of a security app!
It has been subsequently determined that an email account on my device was the source of the problem. Deleting the email account remedied the issue.
Thank you for your assistance.
you’re welcome!
we’d got the stage where it had to be an app or account on your phone as I said above.
Do you have a screenshot?
Are you running VPN or security software?
ok go to settings, Safari and delete all website history data
I don’t know what that is and google cannot display it due to security. Who- Is data is redacted for security, which is why I suspected VPN servers.
Two more tests
Try Safari using cellular data
Try Opera or Firefox
safari closed.; Firefox opened w/cellular data on.
still no luck
Trust certificate warning pops up constantly and is very annoying. How do I stop the pop-up?