How can I launch iTunes on my PC?
I can not launch iTunes on my PC
I can not launch iTunes on my PC
usaid273 Said:
"How can I launch iTunes on my PC?: I can not launch iTunes on my PC: [...] I understand Apple knows about this issue and they should have a way to fix it. Thanks"
Leave Apple Feedback:
Let Apple know what has occurred. Apple won't get back to you directly on this, but the more feedback they receive on this, the more they will know what has occurred and what needs to be fixed.
Hi there usaid273,
We understand you have a question about how to launch iTunes on your PC, and we'd like to share a resource that can help.
Check it out here: Download and use iTunes for Windows
If you're having troubles launching or installing, check out these articles:
Resolve issues between iTunes and third-party security software
"If you can’t open iTunes, download content, sync your device, or use Home Sharing, your security software might be the cause".
If you can't install or update iTunes for Windows
If you're still having troubles, provide more details about what happens when you try to launch iTunes. For example, are you getting any kind of errors?
Thanks for those additional details.
You'll want to make sure you also remove the associated software components for iTunes on your PC prior to installing a new version. Here's how: Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows 7 and later
Thank you for your reply, but the issue was not solved.
I have an old version of iTune on my Labtop. When I was prompted for update, i was told i had to remove first the older version of iTune. I went to programs files and and uninstall it. I downloaded the updated version of iTune, but when I tried to lunch it, I was that I should remove first the old version. I have already removed it. So, I can not now launch iTune. it seems that there is a problem with updating iTune. I understand Apple knows about this issue and they should have a way to fix it. Thanks
How can I launch iTunes on my PC?