Siri using Roman Numerals?
When the temperature will be 55 degrees, in response to asking Siri the temperature at a specific time, she responds with “it will be LV degrees at [time].” Weird
HomePod, 14
When the temperature will be 55 degrees, in response to asking Siri the temperature at a specific time, she responds with “it will be LV degrees at [time].” Weird
HomePod, 14
I just helped a friend who was attempting to troubleshoot his HomePods behaving in the same way. Turns out I can reliably reproduce this behavior when using the Indian Female voice, but not Indian Male, or American, British, or Australian Male or Female.
I just helped a friend who was attempting to troubleshoot his HomePods behaving in the same way. Turns out I can reliably reproduce this behavior when using the Indian Female voice, but not Indian Male, or American, British, or Australian Male or Female.
I have confirmed this only occurs with the male and female Indian voices out of all the voice options. I tried using Jackson, MS which has a high of 55 degrees today. I got a consistent responses: LV for both Indian voices and 55 degrees reported by all other voices.
X ovt of X for backwards compatibility, I ovt of X IV intelligibility.
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Siri using Roman Numerals?