Rethinkmedia wrote:
• I'm trying to recover the MacBook Air, I'm trying to install OS Catalina from a USB thumb drive.
The Mac can't boot normally.
• It can't boot into OS recovery Mode, 'Command+R'
• The Mac can't recover from the internet recovery screen, just shows a -1008F error after 10mins
Is there a ways to hardware force the mac into recovery mode so I can install from a USB?
If your Mac starts up to error -1008F
Your Network is inadequate in some fashion.. try a faster Networks and see if it is a simple resolve.
-1008F error...
In Internet Recovery, these low negative thousands error messages indicate that your provided Wi-Fi Network is inadequate in some fashion, and cannot be used (for this purpose) in its current state.
Common problems include:
Hidden Network-name
required use of a proxy server to get Internet access
required use of a login page to get Internet access
Use of a login server or certificate to get Internet access
Use of PPPoE in the Mac to get Internet access (typically only applies to DSL)
Use of Fixed IP address rather than good old DHCP
Variance of the time by more than five minutes
Failure of Router to provide workable DNS server addresses, or providing [may produce -2002f]
If you have an Ethernet port, you may in some cases be able to move your Mac close to the Router and connect to the Router using Ethernet.
The higher the number, the more obscure the problem.
Also, make certain the Date&Time and Time Zone are correct within 5 minutes.
ref: Grant Bennet-Alder
Power Cycle your router
Disable any VPN or Proxy server
Uninstall any third party Cleaners,Optimizers,Anti-virus
Do a safe boot