apple id help! OLD email that I can't access needs to be removed
WAY back in the day, my wife bought me a surprise....very exciting product called the iPod TOUCH. She set it up with her information, not realizing this would be almost impossible to ever remove from our forward 10 years or whatever.....same apple account, so many phones later....and my phone still calls me HER name, and the default (grayed out) email address is an address we have no access to. I have managed to get my alternate email in apple so I can sign in with that...but I just realized Apple Pay has our old inaccessible email address as the default. SIGH.
I have emailed apple before, but again I am trying to get this fixed. NO I do not want to start completely over...surely there is a WAY. APPLE> folks are smart...this is NOT that hard...please......
iPhone 7 Plus