My MacBook air clock loses time
why does the clock on my MacBook Air 2018 lose time.
why does the clock on my MacBook Air 2018 lose time.
thank you M.Shaffer,
It has been the cause of me not being able to get into website I subscribe to, like MLB, so I do know how to go in and put it to rights, but then without my noticing it, over a period of months it will lost 3/4 minutes.
The linked support article never mentions losing time as far as I can see, only setting time.
If the date or time is wrong on your Mac - Apple Support
Were any of the ideas - to check and change settings ~ in the linked support article - helpful?
• If the date or time is wrong on your Mac - Apple Support
Those are usual suspects; then maybe try one or another system reset, to troubleshoot Mac.
Or this ~ to help troubleshoot; can take up to 20 minutes to check the macOS, in Safe mode:
• How to use Safe mode on your Mac - Apple Support
SMC, may help.
• How to reset the SMC of your Mac - Apple Support
Or perhaps try NVRAM/PRAM reset?
• Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac - Apple Support
..Good luck & happy computing.!
To verify an act of Setting the Time, is only first item among several should one be
interested in Troubleshooting the Device. ~ Could be a power reset or logical reset
may help. Even half-hour 'Safe mode' systems check on startup, may work by itself.
Those were a few items that I'd check and use as tests, to attempt a DIY reset.
Or you could try and contact Apple service, to see what suggestions they offer.
All together, the matter is really up to you; to try these items and see if any help.
As for me, I'm inconsequential. And I'm at home, not representative of Apple; &
certainly not compensated. ~ You may Contact Apple to see what they suggest.
My MacBook air clock loses time