Who is we? An office? A family? More detail in a question is always a good thing.
Presuming that "we" is a family you can set up an iCloud Family Group and share the storage space. Depending on how much storage space is already used you might get away with the 200 GB plan, but the 2 TB plan might be more suited to your needs.
See Apple's support document called Share an iCloud storage plan with your family. The heading called Set up a new family and share a storage plan a little down the page is relevant to your needs.
One person will need to set up the family group as the organiser, set up the 200 GB or 2 TB storage plan you require by increasing their existing 50 GB plan to 200 GB or 2 TB, then invite the others. When each member accepts the invitation their existing storage plan payment ceases (with a small pro-rata refund) and they become part of the family group storage plan.
Each family member will have their own private space to backup and store data. The 200 GB or 2 TB the plan permitted is a cumulative limit of the plan and each member can use as much of that as they require.