Can checkbox format contain a formula yet?
I have the same question as this thread from a couple years ago. I'm hoping that my version of Numbers (v. 10.3.5) can finally do this. If it's possible, would someone please help me understand how to make it work? I have a table on one sheet, and the second sheet has a table that sort of summarizes part of the first one. So, when a cell on the first sheet is formatted as a checkbox, I can tick or not tick it, to be True or False. When I enter my formula in the summary table to reference the first cell, the result returns True or False. If I change my summary cell's format to checkbox, I lose the formula. Has Numbers been given the capability yet to contain a formula in a cell that's formatted as checkbox?
The workaround I've been using up until now is: IF(Table Name::B16,"✓","") where B16 is formatted as a checkbox. It works just fine, but if I can get all my checkboxes just copied into the summary table as I update them, I'd prefer that. This isn't any kind of major issue, but I'd really like to know.
TL; DR: Can a result of True or False be formatted as a checkbox?