I am beginning to think this is a problem with our OLD USB-A adapters. New apple watches and iPhones ship with the cord, but no adapters. I bought an iPhone 12 Pro Max and an Apple Watch series 6 on the same day last weekend. The iPhone, of course, had a USB-C charging cable, but no adapter. I bought another USB-C adapter to have for the phone. Unpacked everything, and ODDLY, given Apple's clear direction, the Apple Watch MagSafe charger had a USB-A connector. All of our USB-A connectors are 5+ years old. Not sure if that was a factor, but I COULD NOT get the Apple Watch to charge. Pairing with iPhone was smooth as silk. Then got prompt to update Apple Watch software, but could not because it require watch to be plugged-in to charger and at least 50% charged. I could not achieve that goal. Apple Watch never recognized it was plugged in, and though it charged briefly, that was it, never got above 30% charge. Not sure where the weak spot was. Could be my OLD Apple 5w adapter that still works great for OLD iPhones. Why did NEW Apple Watch ship with USB-A cable but NO ADAPTER in 2021 when Apple's direction has been USB-C since 2017? They are forcing us to use ancient stuff or buy NEW obsolete stuff. AND THEY HAVE STOPPED PUBLISHING PRODUCT REVIEWS. I will return the watch, thank you.