Sundance Film Festival
how do I download the Sundance film Festival app on Apple TV
how do I download the Sundance film Festival app on Apple TV
If you have an Apple TV box (4th generation or later), then you can download apps from the on-device App Store. Sundance Now app - App Store preview - Apple
If you have the Apple TV app among the smart apps of your Samsung smart TV, then you can’t download additional apps from Apple there. You can download additional apps on your smart TV from the app catalog that your TV manufacturer provides.
Additionally, the Sundance Now Channel is available as an Apple TV app Channel (in the US, not sure about Canada), with a separate subscription. An optional Channel with an app. Subscribe to Apple TV channels in the Apple TV app - Apple Support. It would have the same (or mostly the same) content as a separate app. Channel subscriptions are not valid in other apps (and vise versa).
If you have an Apple TV box (4th generation or later), then you can download apps from the on-device App Store. Sundance Now app - App Store preview - Apple
If you have the Apple TV app among the smart apps of your Samsung smart TV, then you can’t download additional apps from Apple there. You can download additional apps on your smart TV from the app catalog that your TV manufacturer provides.
Additionally, the Sundance Now Channel is available as an Apple TV app Channel (in the US, not sure about Canada), with a separate subscription. An optional Channel with an app. Subscribe to Apple TV channels in the Apple TV app - Apple Support. It would have the same (or mostly the same) content as a separate app. Channel subscriptions are not valid in other apps (and vise versa).
App available on AppleTV and iOS, FireTV, and Android. [1]
That does not include Tizen OS (Samsung TV), unfortunately.
The availability of the Apple TV app on a smart TV, does not facilitate other apps made for the Apple TV box.
Sundance Film Festival app - App Store preview - Apple
Get set up - How to Fest - Sundance Film Festival 2021
I messaged Sundance Support and they said the app has not yet been released for the 2021 festival, and that it would be released closer to the 28th, but i’m writing this on the 27th and it still doesn’t seem to be there :(
I received an email yesterday, indicating that their "FireTV app is not yet available to all users. It will be ready on Thursday for the Festival." However, the same message states that the Sundance Film Festival app is availble on AppleTV, iOS, and Android. ("After launching, enter your pin found on the festival platform in My Settings [in their web UI]")
Sundance Film Festival