VPN Blocks wifi calling
my iPhones 7 and12 I've been having problems. The cell signal isn't very strong where I live so I must use WiFi calling.
However, I've found that the phone does not automatically lock onto WiFi calling and after a very short time it disconnects and then I see a No Service on the handset, this occurs at the same time the VPN appears on the device.
I went to Apple phone support several times and stumped them until a senior tech screen shared my phone. As soon as she saw a VPN in my settings she had me delete it (it was from an ad blocker) then after months of very buggy calling BOTH phones started calling out and receiving calls 100% perfectly--for three weeks now. so all is good. BUT I want a password manager like Dashlane and they all have VPNs. Will this renew my problem again?!?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14