HMBAKU wrote:
My localization does not change dots to commas
Yes it does.
Logically, I cannot have apple configurator version written with dots while OS versions are written with commas- both are Apple products. Am I right?
No. You are incorrect.
Look more closely at the output from your first screenshot of installations. Some entries have commas and some have dots. Do you notice any pattern? All entries with dots have more than one dot. All entries with commas have exactly one comma. What is happening is that all of these values are strings where the developer can put anything they want in them. The display is looking for "numbers" such as "11.1". If it can convert that "number" into a real number, then it will do that and display it according to your localization preferences. When it does that, you get a comma. According to that screenshot, you are using localization for Azerbaijan. According to Wikipedia, Azerbaijan uses commas. But if the number conversion fails, because something like "15.13.7" is not a valid number, then it just displays the string that it has.
Version numbers in software traditionally have up to 3 components, and sometimes more. The first component is the major version. The second is the minor version. The 3rd component is the "bug fix" version. Big Sur is relatively new and doing funky things with versions, jumping to "11.0" from Catalina's "10.15.7". In fact, Apple even has another, entirely separate version numbering scheme. As far as I know, Apple kept both version numbering schemes more or less in sync for the past 20 years, up until Big Sur.
Moreover, I am not a developer. Somebody enrolled me to the program without me knowing it.
No. They didn't.
This is confirmed by the following screen where the frameworks are from an an unknown developer.
No. That's normal. You are looking at the output of the System Profiler app. It lists all kind of information about the system, from software installations, to frameworks, to printers, to smart cards, to disk interfaces, to networks... I could go on and on.
This problem has been persistent since summer of 2020 and I could not get rid of it. I have done several clean installs.
There is no problem. Stop doing that.
Etrecheck downloaded from Etresoft's website (App Store says it is not available for my region) did not find anything.
Then it sounds like EtreCheck is working properly.
Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is on the Exhibit B.2 list in the Apple Developer agreement where it says, "Apple shall not collect and remit the taxes described in Section 3.2 of this Schedule 2 for sales of the Licensed Applications to End-Users located in the countries listed below as updated from time to time via the App Store Connect site. You shall be solely responsible for the collection and remittance of such taxes as may be required by local law." Since I don't want to be arrested, extradited, and dragged into an Azerbaijani court for non-payment of VAT, I do not allow any sales in Azerbaijan. My direct sales via EtreCheckPro use instead of Apple and Paddle also does collect VAT in Azerbaijan. You will be able to download and use EtreCheckPro for free, but you will not be able to purchase the Power User package. Sorry.
Why do I tell you all of this? It is a feeble attempt to convey just how complicated and difficult it is to develop software and make it available for download to anybody in the world. There is a lot to consider from the displays of commas to the relative market size and e-commerce laws. In short, it's complicated. Don't spend any time trying to figure it out. Please don't jump to any assumptions about "fake" software or "hacking". There is a reason for everything. Programmers are human. They make mistakes, they over-estimate their abilities, and they try to be funny and clever in inappropriate times.