What is the cost of a calm subscription?
How much is a calm subscription? How long is it for?
How much is a calm subscription? How long is it for?
$69.99 for 1 year. You can see that information on your iPhone by going to the App Store, searching for Calm, selecting it and then scroll down to the "Free Trial" button and click See Details in fine print beside the button. They also have a $399.99 lifetime plan on their website: https://www.calm.com/freetrial/plans
$69.99 for 1 year. You can see that information on your iPhone by going to the App Store, searching for Calm, selecting it and then scroll down to the "Free Trial" button and click See Details in fine print beside the button. They also have a $399.99 lifetime plan on their website: https://www.calm.com/freetrial/plans
What is the cost of a calm subscription?