IPhone 12 Pro Max using WiFi 6?
How can I Tell if iPhone is using WiFi 6 ?
How can I Tell if iPhone is using WiFi 6 ?
Nice insight, thanks. why does the iPhone not just connect to the fastest option?
of course my router does WiFi 6 802.11ax
reguardless, my question is still unanswered tho and your insight is not actionable until it is~
see what you can come up w my friend. there’s gotta be some kinda app, webpage, whatever to tell ya if you are on ac or ax, etc
Nice insight, thanks. why does the iPhone not just connect to the fastest option?
of course my router does WiFi 6 802.11ax
reguardless, my question is still unanswered tho and your insight is not actionable until it is~
see what you can come up w my friend. there’s gotta be some kinda app, webpage, whatever to tell ya if you are on ac or ax, etc
The iPhone 11 and later is capable of connecting to Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Now the question is what is the router/modem that you are connecting to? If it has WiFi 5 or WiFi 4 the iPhone 11 and higher will only connect to WiFi 5 or WiFi 4 because it has downward compatibility. If the router has WiFi 6 802.11ax it will seamlessly connect to it with WiFi 6.
In other words, if you have an iPhone, which has 802.11ac Wi‑Fi 5, it will connect to a router with only 802.11ac WiFi 5 even if the router has WiFi 6 (802.11ax).
Your iPhone 12 Pro Max supports the Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax).
The real question is: does your router support Wi-Fi 6 too?
If yes, your iPhone will use Wi-Fi 6. If no, your iPhone will use Wi-Fi 5 (or lower).
Nice insight, thanks. None of the responses answer the question tho & of course my router does WiFi 6.
IPhone 12 Pro Max using WiFi 6?