I realize that most of the helper-angels on this support medium are flying at 10,000 feet and are all-knowing, and I have infinite respect for you because many of you have helped me quite a few times before, but I'm getting very frustrated and really don't where to turn. Please don't tell me to try Parallels support because many of them don't know their own products nor the Mac OS.
I have a late 2014 iMac, which I recently updated to Big Sur. Prior to updating to Big Sur, I was running Mojave. I have QuickBooks Mac Desktop 2015 version in which exists all the financials of my business. It's tax season, so I need to generate a profit-and-loss sheet ASAP. And yes, I wasn't with it enough to catch up on my admin before the upgrade to Big Sur, so here we are.
I need the step-by-step of creating a virtual machine that uses Mojave from clicking the Parallels 16 icon in my Dock to being able to click on the Quickbooks icon in my Dock and having it open. Telling me to just create a virtual machine is not enough help for me.
The helper that gets me to where I need to be; working in Quickbooks on my profit-and-loss before April 15 gets a jar of my honey from my hives here on Nantucket Island.