Tv Provider
i have the most current operating system but do not have the option to log into my tv provider under settings.
iPhone XS, iOS 14
i have the most current operating system but do not have the option to log into my tv provider under settings.
iPhone XS, iOS 14
That’s because it is back now.
But it WAS, indeed, missing for a day or so.
No restart or sign-out of iCloud. Just inexplicably gone, and even more inexplicably back.
TV 4K still had option missing until I went into Settings > System > Restart...and, miraculously, it’s back there now, too.
Same problem for me. Today I went in to the TV Provider setting on my iPad and got a message saying this feature unavailable. When I went out the TV Provider setting it completely disappeared from the settings app
You are NOT alone. I have owned every iPhone since launch. I have had every TV since launch. I own and iPad Pro and have had several of those. I have owned an iMac for the last decade. I am the guy everyone calls when they are having a problem, and for the first time in my life, I called Apple Support for this very same issue! “TV Provider” has disappeared from settings on ALL of my devices (TV, iPhone, iPad Pro). No update to iOS to cause this (they haven’t released one since around the first of the year). Can’t understand how this just disappears from settings? And yet, after explaining to the tech what Single Sign-On was and where it was in settings, she confirmed (via screen sharing) that it, in fact, has disappeared from where it is supposed to be. They have no known cause and no known estimate for a fix. Called a relative and had them confirm that it has, indeed, disappeared for them, too.
You would think being a “level 10” here that you would be helpful in your initial reply instead of being smug and unhelpful. The providers don’t seem to matter. I’ve seen different people have this issue no matter the provider.
iPhone 11 running 14.4.
There is no longer a TV Provider setting in the Settings app. Formerly signed in using Spectrum. I can't sign in to apps like ESPN or DisneyNow within their respective apps.
I have not moved or changed countries.
That was her only suggestion for me, too! And I asked, “You mean you want me to reset every Apple device I have to factory defaults and try to reload iOS on each one?” I must have made my point because she went searching for other solutions and that’s when she discovered that I was not the only one reporting this issue.
Sadly, she confirmed that there was no way for her to link my case ID to a resolution. I figured there HAD to be a “We know you reported this problem, it has been resolved, if you are still experiencing difficulties please contact us again” option for them? But, no. Apparently not.
I’ve been using TV apps for a couple of years. The TV Provider app just disappeared. I have not moved regions or countries since yesterday...
Still missing.
Your iPhone can't view TV from that area.
Did you read the fine print: "Availability of signing in with your TV provider may vary by country or region."
I’m having the same problem. If I sign out of iCloud and restart it shows up again, but when I sign in again it disappears. Hoping it’s an iCloud issue and not a feature removal.
Which provider?
I wasn’t asking you, a couple of people here said it just started, and DirecTV, AT&at were just spun off so I wondered if that might be related. It wasn’t smug and it was a legitimate question.
Same. Just disappeared from my apple tv as well. Signed me out of all my apps. Unfortunately apple support is not open until tomorrow.
It shows on my 12. Right below Game Center.
Tv Provider