How do I share multiple calendar events as one .ics file?
I wish to share multiple calendar events as a file just so that the person I am sharing to is able to open that file and have the calendar events pop up directly on their own calendar. I do not wish to use iCloud sharing as the person might not have an Apple ID or not use iCloud. How should I do this?
I have found that no one (in other threads and discussions) had a proper successful way of doing this, and that Apple doesn't have instructions on how to do this either. Apple only has methods on how to export calendars (all the events in the calendar) and not specific events, which you can find here: Import or export calendars on Mac - Apple Support. Hence, after bumping into this problem myself and following the wrong instructions and ending up having to contact Apple Support to resolve the mess, this is what I have figured out myself as the best way to do this.
Please see answer below (as a reply to this question).
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar