Any way to open WordPerfect files (.wpd) from 1995-2000?
I recently found a bunch of old floppy disks in the garage that have stuff from 20-25 years ago when I was in college. I was able to get an old floppy reader and save all the files to Google Drive, so the issue is NOT getting the files off the floppies.
Many of the files were written in WordPerfect, circa 1995-2000. Most of those files are old garbage, and I've obviously gotten by just fine without them for two decades. So nothing crucial. But some of them were creative stuff I put a lot of time into, and I would love to be able to read them if possible.
I've tried opening them with current versions of MS Word, and OpenOffice, and what opens is not surprisingly indecipherable gobbledegook.
Any ideas if there is some way to convert these old .wpd files, or at least open them in a readable format?