I can't seem to download some songs from my Apple music library to my iPod shuffle.
I can't seem to download some songs from my Apple music library to my iPod shuffle.
I can't seem to download some songs from my Apple music library to my iPod shuffle.
iTunes doesn't let you transfer Apple Music songs to an iPod. Only songs that you bought trough iTunes or added yourself can be transferred to an iPod. Hope this helps
iTunes doesn't let you transfer Apple Music songs to an iPod. Only songs that you bought trough iTunes or added yourself can be transferred to an iPod. Hope this helps
These are bought off itunes
Did you buy these songs on iTunes trough an Apple Music subscription or without it?
Yes I bought them through iTunes... As I have been doing for years, only now the **** thing doesn’t seem to be working...
Yes I bought these songs through apple music off itunes... There has never been any problem transferring songs to my iPod until now when it just wont do it...
I can't seem to download some songs from my Apple music library to my iPod shuffle.