My iPhone12 vpn Isn’t connected
any idea why this is
iPhone 12, iOS 14
My iPhone12 vpn Isn’t connected
any idea why this is
iPhone 12, iOS 14
There is no vpn installed on the iPhone by default.
you either have to install a vpn app that you subscribe to or configure your own server on a pc and add the configuration yourself.
which have you done?
There is no vpn installed on the iPhone by default.
you either have to install a vpn app that you subscribe to or configure your own server on a pc and add the configuration yourself.
which have you done?
I expect this is an add-on commercial VPN client app purportedly providing first-hope protection using what is a weak configuration using known credentials—an approach that can be subject to decryption, as the VPN credentials are often widely known.
That aside, iPhone does have a VPN client installed by default.
The following image is from iPadOS 14.4.2 on an iPad, though iPhone works the same. While it is easier to load a profile using an MDM tool or service, or using the Apple Configurator tool, the built-in VPN client can be configured manually.
What’s on the other end of the VPN? A private network for an organization you’re affiliated with? Or a commercial VPN provider?
If the former, check with the folks maintaining the VPN server you’re connecting to and the ingress into the network you’re connecting into, and verify your VPN client settings match current expectations.
If the latter, I presume you know VPN add-ons are a security and privacy disaster, but you could certainly try a different VPN client add-on client, and see whether that better harvests your network data.