Hello tdcx,
It looks like the site may not be loading up as expected. Let’s help.
For this scenario, we want to provide a heads up that the following steps could possibly delete data or cause you to have to enter in information again, such as login accounts and passwords. If you’re okay with proceeding, you can remove the cookies and website data associated with the Amazon site by going into Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data… and searching for Amazon in the Search box. From here, simply remove the data associated with the Amazon site. Make sure to not use the Remove All option as this will remove data from all sites previously visited.
For a full breakdown on this, please visit: Manage cookies and website data in Safari on Mac
If the behavior continues after removing this, and only occurs on the Amazon website, we recommend reaching out directly to them to explore further troubleshooting.
We hope that help. Take care.