Notification iwatch charging
My iPhone has started to constantly notify me about my watch being fully charged. How do I remove this notification?
br Alex
My iPhone has started to constantly notify me about my watch being fully charged. How do I remove this notification?
br Alex
Hello Algl05ab,
It looks like you've done most of the troubleshooting we'd recommend, so let's make sure our understanding of what's happening is correct.
As it only shows when your watch is fully charged, this would be expected behavior. If you'd like to submit feedback about it, you can do so on the Apple Product Feedback website.
Or, is the notification showing other than when your watch fully charges? If yes, please provide us more details. The more we have, the better equipped we'll be to help.
Hello Algl05ab,
It looks like you've done most of the troubleshooting we'd recommend, so let's make sure our understanding of what's happening is correct.
As it only shows when your watch is fully charged, this would be expected behavior. If you'd like to submit feedback about it, you can do so on the Apple Product Feedback website.
Or, is the notification showing other than when your watch fully charges? If yes, please provide us more details. The more we have, the better equipped we'll be to help.
Hey there Algl05ab,
We'd like to help get that Apple Watch battery charge notification to go away as it's constantly showing on your iPhone.
Let's start with better understanding what's happening, along with ruling out some basics:
We look forward to hearing about these details. Have a good one!
thanks for taking your time to assist.
3 My iphone Xs is running 14.4.2
4 my watch is on 7.3.3
5 yes i have restarted both
br, Alexander
Notification iwatch charging