My AirPods are clogged with ear wax. How can I remove the wax?
How can I remove ear wax that is clogging my AirPods?
Windows, Windows 6
How can I remove ear wax that is clogging my AirPods?
Windows, Windows 6
I have read the tips for cleaning; however, it’s saying nothing can be used on the speaker, and I can’t hear out of my right speaker, and I’m pretty positive it’s clogged with ear wax. If they can’t be cleaned, that’s an awful lot of money for something that is going to get clogged with ear wax and just not work anymore...
I have read the tips for cleaning; however, it’s saying nothing can be used on the speaker, and I can’t hear out of my right speaker, and I’m pretty positive it’s clogged with ear wax. If they can’t be cleaned, that’s an awful lot of money for something that is going to get clogged with ear wax and just not work anymore...
did you try to clean the microphone and speaker meshes with a dry cotton swab.?
Ok... try this:
Ugh...another 50.00, but I may have to result to that!
My AirPods are clogged with ear wax. How can I remove the wax?