How to cancel my purchases my grandchild was using it
I would like to cancel what my grand son did the charges too much
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14
I would like to cancel what my grand son did the charges too much
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14
Strictly speaking all purchases are final (after all, you can't very well return them: and you are responsible for what your kids do when logged in with your ID): please see this page for information on requesting a refund: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support - note that just deleting an app doesn't cancel a subscription. (To cancel a subscription please see How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support)
However Apple have been known to be sympathetic in cases of actual error, so it's possible that they may allow you a refund as a one-off concession: but please be aware that they are under no obligation to do so: go to
Strictly speaking all purchases are final (after all, you can't very well return them: and you are responsible for what your kids do when logged in with your ID): please see this page for information on requesting a refund: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support - note that just deleting an app doesn't cancel a subscription. (To cancel a subscription please see How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support)
However Apple have been known to be sympathetic in cases of actual error, so it's possible that they may allow you a refund as a one-off concession: but please be aware that they are under no obligation to do so: go to
How to cancel my purchases my grandchild was using it