Verify student account
I am unable to verify my student account. It says if you didn’t use another Apple ID then contact Apple support. Please help I need to verify my account.
I am unable to verify my student account. It says if you didn’t use another Apple ID then contact Apple support. Please help I need to verify my account.
Genevievemangini Said:
"Verify student account: I am unable to verify my student account. It says if you didn’t use another Apple ID then contact Apple support. Please help I need to verify my account."
Three Things:
A. Start Here: About Managed Apple IDs for Education - Apple Support
B. Talk to your Web Master About this.
If a Student: Try a different Web browser (i.e. Firefox or Chrome). Not all sites are usable/efficient with Safari - something you should have your Company Web Manager look into. You typically see this with Educational Institutions(i.e. colleges), and Security Software(i.e. Absolute Software, Inc.). The Web Master is the person who manages the network.
C. Contact Apple Support, as Instructed:
Apple Support Contact Info:
Why the Wait:
Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due to lots of calls. With the Coronavirus Pandemic, many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)
Genevievemangini Said:
"Verify student account: I am unable to verify my student account. It says if you didn’t use another Apple ID then contact Apple support. Please help I need to verify my account."
Three Things:
A. Start Here: About Managed Apple IDs for Education - Apple Support
B. Talk to your Web Master About this.
If a Student: Try a different Web browser (i.e. Firefox or Chrome). Not all sites are usable/efficient with Safari - something you should have your Company Web Manager look into. You typically see this with Educational Institutions(i.e. colleges), and Security Software(i.e. Absolute Software, Inc.). The Web Master is the person who manages the network.
C. Contact Apple Support, as Instructed:
Apple Support Contact Info:
Why the Wait:
Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due to lots of calls. With the Coronavirus Pandemic, many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)
Verify student account