I tried three official Apple lightning cables, both ports on the laptop, tried use usb hub and etc. with the same result.
I found that Finder asking to accept some license agreement not as separate dialog as usual Apple software do and it is embedding it in Finder screen. It is not possible to click in 2 seconds in Finder on Locations/iPad then on blue button Continue then on next screen on checkbox on to accept license agreement and button continue to proceed to iPad manage screen. To do this I have to run several archive processes to archive large files, run XCode installation to slowdown computer and only then I could able to click all buttons and get to iPad manage screen in Finder.
After that iPad connection could still for 5 second. If I plug/unplug iPad several times then problem with disconnect disappears. Problem appears again after Macbook Pro restart so I have to plug/unplug iPad several times to make connection stable. Such behavior reproducible with any Apple lightning cable.
Found iPad 6th generation and it connects to the laptop correctly without such issues and workaround with plug/unplug cable for several times.
I believe this is software issue because I USB ports on laptop works well and I can connect other Apple hardware such as keyboard, mouse, touchpad and etc without issue. Or this is incompatibility iPad 8th Generation with USB-A lightning cables.