Worryingly low (Geekbench) benchmark score on iPhone 12 Pro Max (iOS 14.5.1)
I recently did a Geekbench CPU test on my iPhone 12 Pro Max running iOS 14.5.1 and the scores are worringly low...(lower even than the average for an iPhone XS Max)...
I have disabled low power mode by the way (even when my battery is low it doesn't use low power mode)...and I even tried restarting my phone and retesting...but the scores won't budge...
I got a 1283 Single-Core Score (compared to the average of 1591)
And I got a 2364 Multi-Core Score (compared to the average of 4106).
To put it into perspective...the average Multi-Core score for an iPhone XS Max is 2450 and I'm getting 2364 on an iPhone 12 Pro Max. That is very worrying to say the least!
And the iPhone SE (2nd Generation) gets a 1322 Single-Core average while I only got a 1283 Single-Core score on an iPhone 12 Pro Max! Again, that is very worrying.
Any idea why this is? I have run the test 4 times now...no change in the scores (give or take 20 points).
iPhone 12 Pro Max