how do i call to sydney australia from bozeman montana on an iphone12
how do i place a call from the US to Sydney, Australia on my iPhone
how do i place a call from the US to Sydney, Australia on my iPhone
She would have had to properly set her international calling up with her cellular carrier at home before leaving.
About cellular data roaming options for your iPhone and iPad - Apple Support
Or perhaps she's in an area where the cellular carriers (Australian and American) don't cooperate, but that's unlikely since she's in Sydney (unless she uses a more obscure American carrier).
If your friend has a cellular telephone, call your friend just as if (s)he were still in the U.S. Your friend will pay extra, of course, to have that call communicated down to Sydney.
Sydney's 1-digit code is "2" for a landline, "4" for a mobile line.
What happens when you dial the number?
Thanks for responding. The problem I am having is my friend is in Sydney Australian with her US phone and phone number. Hope that makes sense
that is what she said to do but get a busy . she will be back in a few days.. thanks
she has said the reception is bad. thanks again
You're welcome. Enjoy your Apple gear.
Just bought the 12 and a new i pad. I have owned AAPL for a time and its easily pays for the new stuff. Thx
how do i call to sydney australia from bozeman montana on an iphone12