Sms delivery report on iphone 12 pro max
How do i switch on sms delivery report on my iPhone 12 pro max?
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
How do i switch on sms delivery report on my iPhone 12 pro max?
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
If you're sending an iMessage (they're blue and they only go to other iOS/MacOS users), you will see a delivered indicator under the message once it has been delivered. If the person you're sending the message to has the Read Receipt feature enabled, "Delivered" will change to "Read" once it's been read.
If you're sending SMS messages (green), you will only receive an indicator if delivery fails. SMS messaging is about the most reliable form of cellular communication. They very rarely fail. You will not receive a read indicator for SMS messages.
If you're sending an iMessage (they're blue and they only go to other iOS/MacOS users), you will see a delivered indicator under the message once it has been delivered. If the person you're sending the message to has the Read Receipt feature enabled, "Delivered" will change to "Read" once it's been read.
If you're sending SMS messages (green), you will only receive an indicator if delivery fails. SMS messaging is about the most reliable form of cellular communication. They very rarely fail. You will not receive a read indicator for SMS messages.
Tap “Settings” on the Home screen and select “Messages.”
Tap the “Off” button within the iMessage section of the Messages screen so that the button reads “On.”
Tap the “Off” button in the Send Read Receipts section so that it reads “On.”
Tap “Settings” to save your preferences and return to the Settings screen.
If you are in UK, most service providers will give a delivery report if you start your text with *0#
It might seem a pain but you soon get used to it. I’ve done this for over a decade on multiple networks(O2,3,EE,GiffGaff,1pMobile,ASDA-EE) but it would appear Vodafone don’t support it.
Hope that helps :)
Does you cell service provider support this feature?
The feature is available on other phones like samsung and other iphones
So if I understood well u r saying i can only get sms delivery report if i send an sms to ios users and not to android users and if the message doesn’t show failed it means it’s delivered..right?
No, if you are in the US carriers do not support that feature. If you are somewhere else see if your carrier supports it.
Sms delivery report on iphone 12 pro max