Clear Favorite Servers
In Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server... dialogue box, I have 8 Favorite Servers listed. They are all from my job which I retired from 7 years ago. I purchased a new computer since then which I set up using the Migration Assistant in 2018. The favorite server list remained populated with those 8 old servers which I want to delete. The "Clear Recent Servers..." dropdown in the Connect to Server dialogue is grayed out. I have removed these server using the minus sign, but they reappear in the list. I have deleted the associated preference file and the old servers still repopulate the list. I have no access to these old computers any longer. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the cause of these servers "haunting" my Mac running Big Sur's latest update? Some kind of lock file or OS protection mechanism?
Thanks for any ideas,
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 11.3