How do I turn off do not disturb while driving ?
I want to turn off the the feature but it doesn’t allow me. The feature is faded, and I can’t press it.
I want to turn off the the feature but it doesn’t allow me. The feature is faded, and I can’t press it.
I am unable to drive because of a disability. I use the bus though, and DND goes on when I take the bus. Unfortunately it will then not turn off. Unless I look at control center, I will often miss that it is still on, and phone calls will go to voice mail.
So I went into Settings, and Do not disturb. Unfortunately I can set Do not disturb while driving, to “Manually, because it is not an option. I also have no idea how turning on screen time would enable this. All that screen time does, is indicate to me the amount of time I am using my phone. I am using an iPhone 7. How can I permanently turn this off.
Your question is phrased as though the idea was ridiculous.
If you read this forum a lot you would know that iOS 14 caused inexplicable additional restrictions to be added in Scteen Time.
There is no other reason I can think of why you cannot set DND to manual unless your country mandates it.
Settings, Do not disturb, Do not disturb while driving, set to “Manually”
If you cannot set that turn off Settings, Screen Time
Turn OFF screen time.
It's already off, to save battery life.
Even if it was on, why in the world would this prevent the phone from being unable to turn off I am driving.
I am in the USA, but who knows.
This additional restriction is kind of ridiculous.
How do I turn off do not disturb while driving ?