How can you unzip .7z files on Mac?
How can you unzip .7z files on mac? I’ve tried Keka, The Unarchiver, Stuffit Expander, WinRAR, and SmartZipper. They all failed when trying to unzip the .7z files. Any suggestions?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
How can you unzip .7z files on mac? I’ve tried Keka, The Unarchiver, Stuffit Expander, WinRAR, and SmartZipper. They all failed when trying to unzip the .7z files. Any suggestions?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
The free The Unarchiver in the Mac App Store also handles 7zip and many other formats.
The free The Unarchiver in the Mac App Store also handles 7zip and many other formats.
Nevermind, it was a internet connection issue. the standard file unzipped that comes with the mac did the job just fine once i got a better internet connection
You'll need to download 7Zip for MacOS, you can find the installers here.
How can you unzip .7z files on Mac?