Sidecar doesn't work between my MacBook Pro 13" and iPadOS
I do not want to be mean but this is the second time I've had to ask this question because people didn't know the answer so they just bailed out on me. For that reason please tell me if you don't know the answer.
I have been having a problem for nearly 8 months. The problem is that I can't connect my MacBook Pro 13 to my iPadOS using sidecar anymore. I use to be able to just click a button or go on System Preferences and go on Sidecar but now I see this:
And when I look in my Menu Bar I see this:
So please help me. I really need this to work again and if you don't know the answer just tell me and I will accept it.
Have an amazing day,
ME 1931
MacBook Pro (2020 and later)